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Two Lessons I Have Learned Postpartum with Walmart Health and Wellness

Walmart Health and Wellness review featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Moderately High Maintenance

This shop was compensated by Inmar Intelligence on behalf of Walmart Health and Wellness, encouraging everyone to Live Better, while also saving money. #SpringValleyAtWalmart 

Walmart Health and Wellness review featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Moderately High Maintenance

I did a lot to prepare for Rhett's arrival into our family. I purchased diapers, set up the nursery, took birthing classes, and the list goes on and on. What I wasn't necessarily able to prepare for was the complete evolution of myself into motherhood and how my life would look completely different than it did before. I also wasn't prepared for the expansion of my heart to love something/someone so much. I wanted to take some time to reflect on two lessons I have learned during the postpartum period and am thankful for Spring Valley™ for partnering with me to share this story.

1. Get the Support You Need

It is easy to believe the lie that as mothers we should immediately be able to do all of the things we could before having birth. It took Rhett 39 weeks and 3 days to grow inside of me, why did I think I would be back to “normal” in 6 weeks after? One thing I learned is that it takes a village not only to raise a child, but also to take care of yourself. After giving birth I saw a pelvic floor physical therapist, acupuncturist, life coach, and chiropractor in addition to my regular physicians.

In the most recent months I have had difficulty calming my mind to fall asleep and wanted to give my hair additional support. At the suggestion of my doctor I have started taking Spring Valley™ Melatonin Adult Gummies 5mg 60 count and Spring Valley™ Biotin Softgels, 10,000 mcg 120 count to support my body as it transitions into life post baby! I love that I can find Spring Valley™ easily at my local Walmart and that they have an affordable range of products inspired by nature that supports my family's health and holistic wellbeing.

Walmart Health and Wellness review featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Moderately High Maintenance

Walmart Health and Wellness review featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Moderately High Maintenance

Walmart Health and Wellness review featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Moderately High Maintenance

I take two Spring Valley™ Melatonin Adult Gummies 5mg 30 minutes before bedtime. You can take them daily or as needed. I love them because they are delicious and easy to take!

Walmart Health and Wellness review featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Moderately High Maintenance

Did you know that Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin that is naturally found in oatmeal, vegetables, legumes and soy? This biotin 10,000 mcg dietary supplement provides a B vitamin that is essential for healthy energy metabolism.* Spring Valley™ biotin supplements play a role in skin, nail, and hair health* I have added this to my daily routine in order to support my body.*

Walmart Health and Wellness review featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Moderately High Maintenance

Walmart Health and Wellness review featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Moderately High Maintenance

2. We aren't meant to bounce back, we are meant to move forward.

There is immense pressure all around to “be back” to yourself so soon after giving birth and I honestly have no desire to go back to the person I was before being a mother. Sure I still love my family, career, animals, and everything I loved before Rhett but my love has grown and expanded in all areas. Motherhood has been my most challenging endeavor to date, but also the most rewarding by far. Rhett brings so much joy into my life while also exposing some pieces of my personality and character that I want to improve. I am so thankful for the privilege of being my sweet little guy's Mom and hope I never take for granted the gift he is to our family.

Be sure to check out Spring Valley™ products at your local Walmart! Click here to quickly add these Spring Valley™ products directly to your cart!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
