I am a lover of thoughtfulness. I briefly touched on the topic of compliments in the 5 Ways to be Thoughtful in Any Relationship post but it is so important I wanted to come back and dig a little deeper. Mandy Hale said, “There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” DING DING DING, you go Mandy! This is true for the way you give AND receive compliments.
Give a Compliment
A well-executed compliment has the power to completely make someone's day. Think about how you feel when someone not only takes the time to notice but also acknowledges something that you have invested your thought and effort into. You have the power to make someone feel valued. The beauty is that this gift is FREE! The first step is noticing what makes someone unique. The second step is crafting the compliment in such a way that recognizes an attribute of their personality, character or a job well done. Try to stay away from superficial things that people cannot change about themselves. The third step is getting the courage to let someone know that you think they are special!
Receive a Compliment Graciously
Sometimes it is easier to give than receive. When I was younger I had no idea how to respond when someone would give me a compliment. My initial reaction when receiving a compliment would normally be “Thank you but…” the BUT would always be followed by something negative. Now looking back I realize that all that needs to be said is… THANK YOU. There is no reason to add anything else. No need for a “but” or even to follow up with a corresponding complement. Following a compliment with a compliment only makes you seem like a one upper. It will come across as if you are only giving the other person a compliment because they gave you one. If you really want to add on to your thank you, express how much you appreciate their compliment or how much their acknowledgment made your day. Allow the giver the joy of knowing they positively affected your day.